Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Task Card Four

1. A carnivore genarally eats herbivores, but they sometimes eat omnivores, they are important to any ecosystem, because they keep other species from getting overpopulated.
An omnivore eats plants and other animals, they are equally balanced, and are vital in the ecosystem.

Herbivores get their energy from soley eating plants, keeping vegetation under control.

2. A shark is a carnivore it eats, fish, seals, squids some larger more hungrier sharks even prey on small whales.


4. In the marine food chain the shark is at the top, it is the hunter, nothing can hunt it.


6. As i stated before sharks eats seals, but their diet varies depending on their location and their hunger, they can eat fish, small whales, squid and even humans if they feel threatened or mistake you for a seal.

By Stefan Uzelac

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